Viridian Schisandra Berry Extract

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Viridian Schisandra Berry Extract

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Viridian Schisandra Berry Extract

Once a favourite of Chinese emperors, Schisandra Berry has been cherished for thousands of years as an herbal support for our naturally healthy energy and stamina levels and bright spirits, healthy skin, a healthy libido in both men and women and overall cerebral health, including the mild memory loss and cognition associated with ageing.

It is a vine - like plant with bright red berries that many flavours and medicinal properties. Schisandra contains a variety of active compounds, these include: organic acids, volatile oils and lignans. the lignans in schisandra appear to regenerate liver tissue and control inflammation.

Schisandra also demonstrates mild adaptogenic action. Uses Immune support - helping overcome illness such as coughs, colds and infection. Stress and fatigue - energy boosting and adaptogenic. Liver support - repair from damage, especially from acohol and hepatitis.

Standardised berry extract in berry base.

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