Bio-Health Panax Ginseng 500mg Purefil

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Bio-Health Panax Ginseng 500mg Purefil

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Bio-Health Panax Ginseng 500mg Purefil

One of the most treasured herbs and valued for thousands of years for the special benefits that has made it so well established in natural healthcare.

A highly esteemed herb treasured for thousands of years as an ‘adaptogen’. In its traditional place it was taken by older people - late middle age - to ‘quieten the spirit’.

Living up to its reputation as an adaptogen, Ginseng tends to support the body’s need in an individual way - stimulating to a strong constitution and toning the long term poorly or aged.

For general tiredness, physical exhaustion or just overwork, Ginseng could be the answer.

Native to north east China and Russia and North Korea. Extremely rare in the wild. Root of wild and cultivated plants are very different in quality. The plant takes 4 years to mature; cultivation requires great skill. Cultivated in Korea since 1300.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

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